Q: 3-30-16

Art by Junichi Nakahara
So I'm test running this idea of doing (or trying to do) a question every week. Deciding to do more of these will ultimately rest on how many people actually reply to the question so we'll see!

For my very first question of the week the topic is flower names: what are some flower names that are a little too unusual for actual use, but you love anyways?

My favorite right now is Myosotis, which was one of the little girl's middle names in this beautifully named sibset on Jolis Prenoms. Myosotis means "mouse's ear" in Greek, because of the shape of the leaves, and is the genus of the forget-me-not flower. Another love of mine is Hyacinth, which I like for both boys and girls. Hyacinth in Greek mythology, was a lover of Apollo, who made the flower out of his blood. Edelweiss is one I see being thrown around a lot these days, and it immediately brings the song from "The Sound of Music" to mind. They're beautiful white flowers in the daisy and sunflower family, and is a symbol for alpinism, as it is normally found in secluded mountain areas. To give someone the gift of an edelweiss is a promise of dedication.

Which is your favorite?

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