A Collection of Names Taken from Evil Queens

Tilda Swinton as Jadis in "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe"
I have an admission to make. I love evil Queens. I've always liked the villains, both male and female, and often find them to be more interesting, especially when it comes to storylines. Some of these aren't exactly Queens, but do fit into the archetype. So here is a list of names, taken from evil Queens from literature, television, movies, and real life.

Regina - Once Upon a Time
Grimhilde - Snow White
Isabella - Isabella 1st of Spain
Claudia - Snow White: A Tale of Terror
Arpazia - White as Snow
Elspeth - Snow White: The Fairest of Them All
Jadis - The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
Narissa - Enchanted
Dorothea and Hekatah - The Black Jewels Trilogy
Bathsheba - The Bible
Ravenna - Snow White and the Huntsman
Ivi - Fairest
Anne - Snow: A Retelling of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Rodmilla - Ever After
Alice - The Grimm Brother's Snow White
Clementianna - Mirror Mirror
Athaliah - The Bible
Maleficent - Sleeping Beauty and Maleficent
Cersei - Game of Thrones
Beryl - Sailor Moon
Levana - The Lunar Chronicles


  1. Athaliah - a biblical queen of Israel. In order to secure her own position on the throne, she ordered the murder of all other members of the royal family, including children.

  2. Dorothea and Hekatah are the bad guys of Anne Bishop's Black Jewels trilogy.

  3. Jezabel was known for being evil and was then thrown out of a window in the bible

  4. Levanna is like vain. She tried to kill her niece. i mean jealousy, jealousy


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